Monday, March 17, 2008


I chose to do my research on the conflicts between ‘science’ and design. Since coming to design school the thing that has frustrated me the most is that when I tried or wanted to take a scientific approach to design I got shot down and told I was wrong and that it wasn’t valid ( even though this method is used throughout modernism and prevalently in design today) I also found it endlessly frustrating the number of times I heard engineers and scientists being put down, even if it was followed by “nah they are good and you need to work with them later” this first statement comes across as the real feeling towards them and the second is just a disclaimer so they don't get in trouble. To me it just showed ignorance and complete lack of understanding of the benefits of working with other disciplines. That it “sounds all nice and good” and no one would refute that it is a good thing to be interdisciplinary but in practice they actually can’t or won’t do it unless forced. Because this is something that has impacted me so much I thought that this thesis would be a good place to put a voice to my annoyanceand to offer a solution.

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